Around the heart with Maxi Brico

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

the threatening terror of the new year with maxi brico

The above is a recent show I did...there was real and actual hemp in that was the first meal I had all day...

Sorry about the veil...but as you know...Maxi does not show her face on this blog...

Where should I begin...where should I open my heart and let you, my hungry reader, begin to experience the Maxi of 2007...I suppose I don't truly need to open as much as I need to explore and like Vespucci or Polo I will find that you are in my heart...tout le temps...tout le temps...

However, I have been threatened with losing work in Milan and various other thin states of Italy. I may lose work to Steve Tyler's (Aerosmith) not Liv...darlings the other more, uh, I recently learned this word, ah yes, the other more Rubenesque daughter...

That girl eats the entire shaft of ricola before a show...not just the nourshing lunch that I always tic tac for breakfast, one ricola for lunch, and a gummy worm for dinner...and lots of menthol ciggies for snacking...I must indulge in something...

I have recently been enjoying the opera...It is an art form that more should appreciate...I visit singers backstage and feel a bit like an alien...they all, truly all, with wonder. I truly love the baritone voice so virile manly and yet sensitive. I think all men should sing to their lovers...maybe just a note or two in a well timed shower duet but ooh...a baritone makes maxi go mini...

I have also recently been awarded an Honorary Degree from the FIT school in NYC...I was awarded the degree in Aesthetics...not my study of it but my contribution to it...

Most grade school students are told to not start sentences with "I"...however, I was encouraged...My teacher found that when reading my words she could skip to the good parts if I started my sentence with I...she, of course, knew that the best part of the story was about...Me...or is it I...oh well...I walk well...

So, I have started my dating search again...Architects, State Comptrollers, Playwrights, Kyrgastanian Fashion Designers, New England Hairdressers, and a President...of a small, not Vatican City...but nearby...

I wish you well in the New Year...I will try to write more but BLOGGING is such a strange form to me...Do you really care what little Maxi has to say...


xoxoxoxo for all...but don't smudge...


Maxi Brico


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